As your councillor, I want to contribute with intention and significance. 

On this page I will show records of how I have advocated on behalf of the community and what I have achieved

Achievements in 2024

WhenWhereWhatSupports my Policy
27 June 2024 Extra-ordinary
At the extra-ordinary meeting of Council of 27 June 2024, I proposed a motion that identified significant increases to material and contract expenses (by $2,339,753) and employee benefits expenses (by $3,506,316) – compared to the figures published in the draft budget. The motion also called for the Long-Term Financial Plan to be updated and presented to the new Council as part of the quarterly budget review incorporating recommendations provided by the Financial Advisory Committee, including the suitability of properties identified for sale in 2025-2027 FYs. The motion was defeated (Ref: pages 6 and 7, Minutes of Extra-Ordinary meeting 27 June 2024). [S]
18 June 2024Ordinary Council MeetingI proposed that the Community Engagement Strategy be amendment to include measuring ‘outcomes’, not just busy-ness. The motion was successful with five of the nine Councillors voting in favour (Ref: Page 7, minutes of 18 June 2024 Council meeting).
I called for a report that detailed actual or forecast cash flows from investing activities such as sale of public land over the 5-year period from 2023 to 2027. This would include both Akuna Street properties (~$34m) and several other properties (including Bonaira) required to raise a further $47m plus over the next three years as detailed on page 34 of the Long Term Financial Plan. I called for this report in order to provide transparency, clarity and focus for Council in meeting the varied Performance Improvement Order action (6) ‘…to break the practice of adopting a deficit budget without relying on property sales’. (Ref: 18 June Agenda papers – page 383) [S]
I proposed that the Community Engagement Strategy be amendment to include measuring ‘outcomes’, not just busy-ness. The motion was successful with five of the nine Councillors voting in favour (Ref: Page 7, minutes of 18 June 2024 Council meeting).
13 Feb 2024Ordinary Council Meeting
In June 2023 I request a report detailing the number and locations of untreated sewerage breaches from the Bombo Sewer Treatment Plant, or the associated infrastructure, over the past 5 years (Ref: page 15 Minutes of 20 June 2023). In response Sydney Water provided a report as detailed on page 310 of the agenda papers for the 13 February 2024 meetin. The report generated quite a lot community interest, some confusion and more questions about the EPA annual returns related to non-compliant fees in 2023 and 2022. As a result, I moved the following (which gained the unanimous support of all Councillors – ref page 16 minutes of 13 Feb 2024 meeting).
Resolved that Council write to Sydney Water and the NSW Environment Protection Authority requesting a joint briefing on the non-compliance matters as detailed in the Sydney Water report and on the Environmental Planning Authority website.

Achievements in 2023

WhenWhereWhatSupports my Policy
19 Sept 2023 Ordinary Council MeetingSuccessfully proposed a motion that Council
1. Note the commercial benefits to local businesses if they install electrical vehicle charging stations including:
(a) Competitive advantages gained by attracting the growing number of electric vehicle owners looking for sustainable travel options.
(b) Hotel partnership deals that offer up to 75% discount on charging station purchase costs.
(c) NSW Government funding opportunities available to destination organisations (Public and Private) for installing electric vehicle charge stations.
2. Promotes the installation of electric vehicle charge stations by local businesses, as opportunities arise and within Council budget constraints.
3. Continues to raise local awareness of the benefits and opportunities available for community members and local business for moving to electric vehicles.
Agenda Item 19.1
19 Sept
Ordinary Council MeetingSuccessfully proposed a motion that Council:
1. produce a poster that identifies the different manifestations of domestic and gender-based violence, for display in Council managed facilities. 
2. Provide access to the poster on Council’s website. 
3. Encourage local businesses, and sporting clubs and entertainment venues to download and display the poster.
Agenda Item 17.4
In line with S.A.F.E. Kiama Family & Mental Health Policies
15 August 2023Ordinary Council Meeting Supported a motion to form a Jerrara Dam working group to consider rehabilitation, conservation and regeneration of endangered ecological communities on the site, and to consider other future uses for the land.
Agenda item 19.1
20 June 2023Ordinary Council Meeting Supported a motion to keep the Historic Barroul House as community land to be retained by Council.
The motion was defeated.
Agenda Item 18.1 .1 Planning Proposal – Finalisation-14A Bonaira Street, Kiama
18 May 2023Illawarra-Shoalhaven Greater Cities Commission BriefingAdvocated for the Greater Cities Commission to consider the following matters for inclusion in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven City Plan:
– Upgrades to transport corridors such as Jamberoo Mountain Road, rail corridors
and parking facilities, 
– Upgrades to the Bombo Wastewater Treatment Plant
– A regional response for affordable housing
– Protection of biodiversity and habitat in remnant areas of rainforest, wetlands and bushlands.
– Protection and diversification of agricultural lands
– Coastal hazard management

16 May 2023Council Meeting I moved that Council receive a report that details the controls required to rectify the deficiencies, as identified by the Audit Office, in Council’s books and records for the 2021 Financial Statements, the status of records management, and other policies aimed at improving financial management practices (Ref: 16 May 2023 – page 3 minutes item 13.1 – see 12m:30s into the video recording of the meeting). (defeated)
18 April 2023Council MeetingI moved that the Strategic Improvement Plan status reports include key risks and issues, delays against estimated timelines and budget expenditure against estimates (Ref: Minutes 18 April 2023 meeting – page 9 agenda item 13.1 Strategic Improvement Plan 2). (defeated)
21 March 2023 Ordinary Council MeetingSuccessfully voted against a motion for Council to endorse Port Kembla as the preferred location for a nuclear submarine base. Agenda item 19.2 Future Submarine Base
21 March 2023Ordinary Council Meeting Called for financial modelling based on different scenarios to inform Council’s future decisions for improving Council’s financial structural deficit.
The motion was defeated. Agenda Item 13.6 Strategic Improvement Plan
28 February 2023 Council Extra-Ordinary Meeting Successfully proposed an amendment for future work on the draft property divestment plan to allow for the inclusion of community, social, cultural and environmental factors in determining the preferred, alternative and least preferred divestment options.
Agenda item 3.8 Draft Property Plan

21 February 2023Ordinary Council MeetingProposed the motion to reject the Golden Valley Way development calling for improvements to the sub-division layout, road design and carriageway width, lot yield, sewer and water servicing.
Successful  Agenda item 12.2 Development Proposal 15 Golden Valley Road, Jamberoo

achievements in 2022

WhenWhereWhatSupports my Policy
20 December
Ordinary Council Meeting Called for Council to develop a gender equity strategy and action plan and to work with Lake Illawarra Police District, community groups, neighbouring councils and other organisations to address domestic and gender-based violence across the Illawarra Shoalhaven region.
Successful Refer page 18, minutes of December meeting.
15 November 2022 Ordinary Council
Called for a reserve fund to be established to fund building capacity of stormwater infrastructure,  mitigating the high risks identified in Coastal Management and River and Estuary Management Plans, managing land zoned as bushfire prone, and restoring land identified as high and significant biodiversity value.
Successful (see page 23 minutes of 15 November 2022 meeting)
18 October 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Called for Council to write to the Illawarra Greater City Commissioner expressing our desire for greater engagement and requesting a community information session be provided – unsuccessful
(page 16 minutes of 18 October 2022 meeting)
18 October 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Called for feedback provided by community experts on the Kiama Vegetation study to be reported to Council for future consideration, noting that no community consultation had been considered in the study – unsuccessful
(page 15 minutes of 18 October 2022 meeting)
13 October 2022Extraordinary Council Meeting Voted (unsuccessfully) against selling Blue Haven Bonaira in its entirety – including Barroul House
(page 4 minutes of 13 October 2022 meeting)
20 September 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Called for Council to self-report to the Independent Commission Against Corruption noting concerns of possible corrupt conduct – the motion was successful
(page 26 minutes of 20 September 2022 meeting)
20 September 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Voted (successfully) against an Expression of Interest to sell of all of Blue Haven
(page 26 minutes of 20 September 2022 meeting)
20 September 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Voted (unsuccessfully) against the staff recommendation to increase the maximum building heights in the Kiama Town Centre to 17 and 21m (5 and 6 storeys)
(page 14 minutes of 20 September 2022 meeting)
16 August 2022Ordinary Council Meeting Called for Council to consider the social and conservation value as well as the operational, community and recreational needs when considering the sale of Council land.
The motion was lost (page 20 minutes of Council meeting 16 August 2022)
19 July
Council Meeting Proposed that projections for population growth and housing needs in the Kiama LGA are to be provided as part of the dwelling approvals and completions in Quarterly Planning Update and Statistics (see p12 of minutes of 19 July Meeting). Council has ongoing challenges with infrastructure capacity (traffic, parking, stormwater, sewage..). Being informed of projected growth compared against new development will help with planning decisions, when advocating to NSW Government for sewer upgrades, and when Councillors are determining proposals to open green fields development
19 July 2022 Council Meeting Proposed that the Mayor and CEO jointly write to the Minister for Planning and Homes on Council’s behalf, requesting that the NSW Government overturn the Department of Planning’s decision to rezone South Kiama for urban development and seek advocacy from the Premier and Local Member on the same matter on several key aspects(p17 of minutes 19 July Meeting).
28 June
Council Meeting Collaborated with Clr Draisma, other Councillors and members of the Community which resulted in a resolution of Council to submit an application for state heritage listing of the Police Residence, the Police Station and the Courthouse, and for the adoption of the Heritage and Conservation Chapter of the Kiama Development Control plan (p22 of minutes 28 June Meeting).
24 May 2022KCP Meeting Presented at the Kiama Central Precinct meeting, providing updates and forward programmes for the Coastal Management Plan including information regarding The Australian Coastal Communities Association.
23 May 2022Extraordinary Council MeetingCollaborated with other Councillors to ensure rescind motion for Blue Haven was upheld allowing Council to pause and consult with the community, consider alternative options and to have more accurate & finalised financial data. Refer minutes of 23 May meeting, page 7.
12 April
In relation to the intended sale of Council assets to relieve immediate financial pressures, I collaborated with Councillors Keast and Draisma to successfully pass a motion that Council will prepare a business case that defines the parameters and criteria (financial and non-financial) to use in considering divestment/retention of assets. The Financial Advisory Committee will review and comment on the business case. Progress against the Strategic Improvement Plan will be made public on the Council website. Refer to April 12 Minutes here. page 11 agenda item 11.5
12 April
Collaborated with other Councillors to strengthen opportunities for rural and agricultural land by gaining agreement to establish a Rural Futures Reference Group and supporting a motion to develop a Rural and Agricultural Opportunities strategy. Refer to April 12 Minutes here.
12 April
Gained unanimous agreement for the 2022-2023 budget to consider:
1. Alternative revenue sources from new clean technologies, rural and agricultural ventures and tourism initiatives that protect and preserve our natural habitats.
2. Systematically and progressively implementing the long outstanding actions required to preserve and protect the vulnerable land and marine species, ecological communities, and wildlife corridors throughout the municipality.
3. Systematically and progressively implementing work to rectify inadequacies in Councils road and storm water infrastructure network that are resulting in significant damage and escalating risks across the municipality
Refer to April 12 Minutes here.
12 April
Council Meeting Gained unanimous agreement for the 2022-2023 budget to consider:
The introduction of new or strengthening existing capability (with additional suitably qualified people) to better manage our finances, and also our natural environment, rural lands, and critical infrastructure  Refer to April 12 Minutes here.
15 March 2022Council
Regarding Blue Haven Kiama, I proposed that Council contact the Member for Gilmore Mrs Fiona Phillips MP, seeking a meeting with the local member and minister for aged care services: 
1. Highlighting, as detailed in the Royal Aged Care Commission report, the urgent need for increased federal funding across the aged care sector.
2. Seeking advice on all existing grant and other funding sources available to aged care providers.
3. Acknowledging the joint responsibility of aged care providers and the Federal Government to provide a duty of care for residents in aged care facilities and recipients of aged care services.
4. Acknowledging the joint responsibility providers and Federal Government to provide ongoing ageing in place options for residents who live in aged care facilities such as Bonaira and Terralong Street independent living units.
5. Acknowledging the broad ranging benefits that Blue Haven, under Council ownership and management, has brought to our community.
Proposal accepted.
15 March 2022Council
I collaborated with Councillors to successfully pass a motion for Council to develop a policy to better manage conflicts of interest in line with ICAC guidelines. including preventing active property developers or other business entities from participating on groups or committees that can unduly influence land zonings, LEP controls and development standards. Amendment accepted. Refer 12 March Council Minutes click here – Item 17.4 page 20.
15 Feb to
Mar 15 2022
Voted in support of 11 Development Applications and infrastructure proposals, including the Woolworths upgrade, Gerringong SLSC, Hindmarsh Park refurbishment. All are proceeding.
In addition, voted in support of the following local business ventures, all of which have been adopted:
Agreement with Service NSW (to deliver the services within the Service NSW for Business program), Stoic Brewery, Jamberoo Road Farm stay, Commercial fitness and personal training activities use of public land policy & Jamberoo Croom Farm Stay.
24 Feb
Proposed the establishment of a Grants Committee. Unanimously accepted
24 Feb
Proposed the amendment (which was unanimously supported) to establish a reference group “Rural Futures” to determine future agri-business opportunities across the LGA. Unanimously accepted.
15 Feb
During January worked cooperatively with Council staff and Councillors to advocate for the release of the State of the Organisation, that was subsequently tabled. Read the SOO report here, page 306 of the Agenda for 15 Feb 2022 Council Meeting. Read my response to the SOO report here.
10 Feb
KiamaKaren Renkema-Lang appointed as a NSW representative to the Australian Coastal Councils Association (ACCA). With only 2 positions available per state, securing a seat with this national body representing the interests of coastal communities, is an important gain for Kiama Council.
22 Jan
Park Kiama
Addressed the public rally to Save South Kiama from re zoning & development, More information here.
11 Jan
Stood to uphold the Monday Public Access meeting and worked with other councillors to formulate amendment motion and voted in support.  Motion carried unanimously. More detail Council minutes